Young ideas on environmental protection in Cambodia – A presentation on 30-May-2018 at Impact Hub Phnom Penh

Reading time: 2 minutes

This evening in the Demo Day – Youth Eco Labs at Impact Hub Phnom Penh, 7 groups of young collective Cambodians ultimately get a chance to present their business models behind the motive “Solve Cambodia’s Environmental Problem through Entrepreneurship and Innovations”.

What is Youth Eco Labs?

Youth Eco Labs is a 10-week intensive program, supported by Impact Hub Phnom Penh in corporation with the US embassy in Cambodia, aimed to gather and nurture young Cambodians with environmental business ideas.

Here is an overview of each interesting and creative business model:

SrokSrae Home Garden

It is a one-stop platform that provides gardening services, ranging from creative natural garden to hydroponic farm, especially for those who are interested in having urban Home Garden for themselves.

Cambo Bio Green 

Cambo Bio Green is using raw materials from Cambodian agricultural products to produce new eco-packaging, which could gradually replace plastic packaging and would enhance sustainable trade for farmers.


The Petals project aims to make use of reusable flowers from various events in Cambodia by converting them into fragrant candles and perfumes that suit Cambodian’s taste and interest.


KHM-Bamboo aims at reducing plastic cups that are used in large numbers during festival and music events.

Smart Bin

Smart Bin aims at producing a data-driven bin that encourages recycling habits by giving users points to their smartphone when littering in the correct bins. Save environment, save your points and start challenging people to recycle!

Find out more on Facebook @ Smart-Bin-Cambodia


Solar Micro-Grid

Solar Micro-Grid builds solar micro-grid system to replace diesel generator battery charging system. The idea is to sell electricity to household especially in rural areas directly without using expensive batteries.

SONYA Café Team

This eco-friendly café promises to offer plastic-free experience, excellent taste of coffee and zero food waste. 

And the winner is….

After thoughtful discussion and consideration from esteemed judges, the two outstanding teams are SMART BIN and SALAR MICRO-GRID. They will get invited to be special guests on the US Embassy’s Live Facebook Program “Let’s Chat” for much better exposure to the public.