Just Energy Transition in Cambodia
The video featured the concept of Just Energy Transition and what the JET mean for Cambodia. The video highlight the important of promoting local community and stakeholders participations on JET while promoting clean energy development for Cambodia.
(Zero) Waste & Gender
Panel Discussion by HBS during Mekong Discovery Days
Panel Discussion by HBS during Mekong Discovery Days - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia

Böll.Thema 2/23: Cursed Treasures
The global hunger for raw materials and its consequences for people and the environment
Perspectives Asia #11: Transition
This latest issue of Perspectives Asia showcases how partners, friends and fellow travellers of hbs in Asia look at and participate in ongoing transition processes in different fields, including digital technologies, demographic, democracy, gender and engery.

This podcast series features a collection of interview conversations with queer & trans people in South & Southeast Asia around the importance of local perspective understanding non-normative sexualities and gender/queer in some Asian societies. The discussions also emphasize subjectivity, space, historical perspective, related power dynamics and agency as they are negotiated and navigated in the selected locations of Asia. A de-colonial frame will emphasize that race, ethnicity, caste, class, indigeneity inform the understanding of gender and sexed bodies in these societies.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia Office
#8, Street 476, Sangkat Toul Tompoung I, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
PO Box 1436 , Tel: +855(0)23 210 535, Email: info@kh.boell.org