Our Team Heike Löschmann Director of Office Heike.Loeschmann@kh.boell.org Tithbotomroth Suon Communication Officer Tithbotomroth.Suon@kh.boell.org Kim Hoeun Pann Program Assistant Kimhoeun.Pann@kh.boell.org Thearath Lay Admin Officer Thearath.Lay@kh.boell.org Koem Bun Office Cleaner Sovannara Bun Guard (Night Shift) Sopheap Ken Coordinator Finance and Administration Sopheap.Ken@kh.boell.org Sotheavin Doch Program Coordinator Sotheavin.Doch@kh.boell.org VannChhai Rot Program Coordinator Vannchhai.Rot@kh.boell.org Sivheang Ky Accountant Sivheang.Ky@kh.boell.org Phally Bun Guard (Day Shift)