
Perspectives Asia #10: Fabric of Society

Living through the Pandemic

In Autumn 2021, the COVID-19 global pandemic lingers on even though vaccinations are getting pace. The 10th issue of Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs)'s serial publication Perspectives Asia takes a look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in different Asian countries; it also shares down-to-earth COVID-19 experiences from different regions and cultures, on issues as diverse as trust in government institutions, the situation of migrant workers, and gender relationships.

Front and back cover design by Carmen Lym

Product details
Date of Publication
31 August 2021
Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Asia Limited
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

P.2 Editorial : Red Light, Green Light

P.4 The Question of Trust and Governance during the Pandemic

P.8 Vulnerable but Brave: The Case of Youth in Assam

P.13 ASEAN's Covid-19 Response: Policies and Perceptions

P.17 Asia Vaccinating

P.18 Stepping into the Same River Twice

P.23 Life in Arrears: Debt and Desperation of Cambodian Migrant Workers

P.27 Coming Back: Migrant Workers in Prey Veng 

P.31 Planting Trees of Hope in Pakistan

P.36 South Korea's Post-Pandemic Digital New Deal and Gender Inclusion

P.40 The Cultural Psychology of Vaccination and Face Masks

P.44 Remembering the Pandemic: A View from 2030