
Perspectives Asia #11: Transitions

Change is all around us; experiencing it can be exciting or worrisome, confusing or even disturbing. By contrast, the idea of “transition” stands to provide a sense of direction, in a sea of change and insecurity. Change may be happening to us; a transition has direction, it can be planned, perhaps even be initiated. It moves into a positive, sustainable direction – or so we hope. The equivalent German term “Wende” and its numerous composite terms play a prominent role in the programme of the German Green and in the international work of Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs).

This issue of Perspectives Asia showcases how partners, friends and fellow travellers of hbs in Asia look at and participate in ongoing transition processes in different fields, including digital technologies, demographic, democracy, gender and energy.


Product details
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents
  • Editorial: Transitions in Asia
  • Digital Threads for A New Social Fabric: The Case of Shanghai by Haili Cao
  • Robots for Ageing Societies: A View From Japan by Miyako Takagi
  • Reaping the Demographic Dividend in Pakistan: Education, Skilling and Employment by Mome Saleem
  • From Population Control to Reproductive Rights: Feminist Perspectives on Low Fertility Rates in South Korea bySunhye Kim
  • Anti-Conversion Laws in India: Undermining Democracy and Women’s Rights by Neha Dabhade
  • Post-Election Philippines: Running on Democratic Reserves by Cleo Anne A. Calimbahin
  • Experiencing Post-coup Myanmar by Su
  • A Peek into Gender Transitioning in Hong Kong: An Interview with Kaspar Wan 
  • From Disability to Visibility: Faces of Cambodia by Miguel Lopes Jerónimo
  • A Call for Energy Justice in Southeast Asia by Laurence L. Delina
  • Wag the Dog: Hydrogen Policy of South Korea by Dongjae Oh