Episode 6

Queering Classical Khmer Dance

In our conversation, Prum talks about his identity as growing up gay and Asian-American in the USA and then migrating to Cambodia to build a new life through dancing and rediscovering his ancestrial roots. Prum goes in detail into the description of a few Cambodian tales and how they can be reinterpretated via the lens of queerness while still remaining a part of Cambodian culture and heritage.

This is the very last episode of this Season 4: (South) East Asia Edition. We hope you enjoyed this season and all the background information on the countries we visited and people/communities we met along the way. It certainly has been a journey and we feel so grateful and fortunate to have had the opportunity of learning from our guests and sharing their voices with the wider podcast community.

If you want to learn more about the Classical Khmer Dance and how Prum is "queering" this art form, check this blogpost on the website (https://queeringperspectives.wixsite.com/belabelissima/post/43-queering…)

Please visit the link for podcast translation in Khmer: https://www.facebook.com/SafeSpaceBtB/videos/1009460850308819

This episode is part of the series:

This podcast series features a collection of interviews conversations with queer & trans people in South & Southeast Asia around the importance of local perspective understanding non-normative sexualities and gender/queer in some Asian societies. The discussions also emphasize subjectivity, space, historical perspective, related power dynamics and agency as they are negotiated and navigated in the selected locations of Asia. A de-colonial frame will emphasize that race, ethnicity, caste, class, indigeneity informs the understanding of gender and sexed bodies in these societies.
