Beijing plus 20 – Voices from Cambodia (Bimala Jnawali) - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia

Bimala Jnawali – President of AATWIN, Chairperson of CWISH
Ms. Bimala Jnawali has been working for policy change on a local, national and international level for years. She is the president of the Alliance Against Trafficking in Women and Children in Nepal (AATWIN), a pioneer network that campaigns to end human trafficking problems. At the same time Bimala is the chairperson of Children and Women in Social Services & Human Rights (CWISH), a human right organization striving to protect rights of the children, youth and women. For Bimala, one major problem in Nepal is the denial of equal citizenship rights for women, a fundamental structural cause for human trafficking.
Music "NirvanaVEVO" written and performed by Chris Zabriskie:
Available on the Free Music Archive:
Under CC BY license:
© Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia