The Victims Support Section (VSS), the Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyers (LCLs), and the Civil Party Lawyers of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) have consulted with Civil Parties, Victims Associations, implementing partners, donors, government agencies, and other relevant stakeholders to identify and develop proposed reparation projects for Case 002/02. As a result, twenty-three projects have been identified, five of which have been requested to the Royal Government of Cambodia for support, while the remaining eighteen have sought implementation through external sources.
In case of conviction of the accused, the Trial Chamber may grant moral and collective reparations to the Civil Parties in its judgment if certain conditions are fulfilled, including the requirement for sufficient external funding for each proposed project. Twelve out of the eighteen proposed reparation projects in Case 002/02 are either partially or fully funded by many donors, including the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for EconomicCooperationandDevelopment,GesellschaftfuerInternationale Zusammenarbeit, Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Embassy of Switzerland in Bangkok, the REI Foundation, the Heinrich Boll Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development, and the International Coalitions of Sites of Conscience. To ensure that Civil Parties and victims of the Khmer Rouge regime receive meaningful reparations for the harms they suffered, additional financial support is needed. We appreciate the generous contributions made by donors and encourage them to continue their support for the moral and collective reparation for victims of the Khmer Rouge.
The VSS is an official organ of the ECCC and is mandated to assist and support Civil Parties and Complainants’ attendance in court proceedings. VSS shall, in co-operation with the LCLs, and where appropriate, in liaison with governmental and non- governmental organizations, endeavor to identify, design and later implement reparation projects. Furthermore, the Section is also obligated to seek external funding and support for the implementation of reparation projects. Please see the table below for information about the proposed reparation projects in Case 002/02.
VSS Contact
Mr. Hang Vannak
Chief of VSS
Mr. Dy Chhunsong
Reparation Program Manager of VSS
Mr. Thomas Truemper
Advisor of VSS
Media Contact Information
Mr. Neth Pheaktra
Press Officer
Mobile phone: +855 (0) 12 488 156
Land line: +855 (0) 23 861 564
Ms. Hayat Abu-Saleh
Public Information
Officer Mobile: +855 (0) 12 488 936
Land line: +855 (0) 23 860 191
Attachment: Overview of Civil Party Proposed Reparation Projects in Case 002/02
Table 1: Projects Seeking External Funding Sources
Name | Implementer(s) | Description | Remarks |
1. Improving Health and Mental Wellbeing and Reducing the Risk of Poverty and Social Exclusion of Some Civil Parties and Other Vulnerable Older People in Cambodia | HelpAge Cambodia | Project to improve health and mental well-being, and to reduce risk of poverty and social exclusion, for 3,600 vulnerable older people, including survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, and Siem Reap province. The project aims to support and strengthen the Older Persons Association (OPA) network, to encourage people in the target communities to seek treatment for ongoing physical health conditions and change unhelpful behaviors and habits, and to address the more immediate physical and mental health needs through administering basic primary health care and check-ups, and through providing basic mental health education and intervention at the community level. | Partially funded by:
2. Promoting Healing and Reconciliation in Cambodia through Psychosocial Interventions | Transcultural Psychosocial Organization | Project to improve the psychosocial well-being of the Civil Parties in Case 002/02 of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and to foster truth-telling and memorializing in rural Cambodian communities. The project aims to offer testimonial therapy to Civil Parties in Case 002/02, to organize self-help groups among Civil Parties in Case 002/02, and to reach out to those who reside in remote areas. | Not yet funded |
3. Phnom Sampeou Community Peace Learning Center and Treatment of Buddhists during the Khmer Rouge Regime | Victims Support Section, Youth For Peace, Peace Institute of Cambodia | Project to create a safe space for Civil Parties and community residents through the building of a community peace learning center in Phnom Sampeou, to document what happened on Buddhists during the Khmer Rouge regime, to collect and compile concepts of positive personal development and leadership based on Buddhist perspectives, and to develop methodologies to be used to distribute the concepts collected and compiled to Cambodian society and the youth community. | Not yet funded |
4. Memory Sketch of Kraing Ta Chan Project | Youth For Peace, Peace Institute of Cambodia | Project to promote a peaceful and stable Cambodian society through the provision of permanent and official acknowledgment of the suffering caused by forced transfers under the Khmer Rouge regime, the provision of places to reconnect with the past, mourn and share experiences, and to foster enhanced participation and engagement in mourning and memorialization process. | Fully funded by:
5. The Unheard Stories of Civil Parties Participating in Case 002/02 at the ECCC | Cambodian Human Rights Action Coalition | The project to produce a book with stories from Civil Parties who were admitted to participate in Case 002 at the ECCC, but have not had the chance to give testimony before the tribunal, or participate in other reparation projects. The project aims to create a more complete picture of the different crimes alleged in Case 002/02 and the diverse experiences of the Khmer Rouge survivors, to allow Civil Parties to have their voice in history heard and acknowledged by the wider population and the next generation, to enable those whose voices are normally perceived as powerless and marginalized to be heard, to create a sense of justice and relief through recognition, and to create an opportunity for the Civil Parties who did not testify before the ECCC or benefit from other reparation projects to contribute to the memorialization, justice and reconciliation process. | Fully funded by:
6. Youth Contest for the Creation of Cambodia’s Remembrance Song | Youth Resource Development Program | Project to create a remembrance song aiming to creatively acknowledge the survivors’ suffering and loses during the Khmer Rouge regime and to encourage youths’ commitment toward a peaceful and just future. | Fully funded by:
7. Legal and Civic Education for Minority Civil Parties | Minority Rights Organization | Project to provide a legal and civic education program to raise awareness of the relevance of civil registration and capacity building among communities to better understand their rights under domestic laws, and to mobilize relevant stakeholders in Cambodia in an effort to achieve sustainable development. The project aims to develop appropriate outreach materials on civil registration for the target group and to conduct outreach and awareness activities with the affected groups and local authorities in three pilot communities located in Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia, where civil parties reside. | Fully funded by:
8. Khmer Rouge History Education through Teacher and University Lecturer Training and Workshops | Documentation Center of Cambodia | Project to enhance the impact, effectiveness, and sustainability of Khmer Rouge history education in Cambodia. The project aims to develop teachers’ and university lecturers’ understanding of the subject, as well as to facilitate their use of student-centered learning approaches, to use Civil Parties’ and survivors’ stories and experiences to provide a medium for dialogue and education on the individual life stories during the Democratic Kampuchea period, and to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the genocide education programme through professional development workshops and the publication/distribution of DC-Cam’s history textbooks. | Partially funded by:
9. App-Learning on Khmer Rouge History | Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center | Project to create an innovative web-based application for mobile devices, containing a shareable database of learning resources compiled from records from the ECCC, historical sources from Khmer Rouge era, photographs and video material, and civil party and survivor experiences. The project aims to ensure wide access to information, to preserve historical and cultural memory, to support social cohesion, to promote and educate on human rights, and to acknowledge injustice. | Fully funded by:
10. Phka Sla Kraom Angkar: Forced Marriages under the Khmer Rouge Regime | Khmer Arts Academy, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, Kdei Karuna, Transcultural Psychosocial Organization | Project to transform the understanding of gender-based violence and gender equality through the artistic memorialization of shared experience in a classical dance production intergenerational dialogue, documentation, therapeutic support, and research regarding forced marriage under the Khmer Rouge. | Partially funded by:
11. Public Education Forums & Permanent Exhibitions on the History of the Democratic Kampuchea | Documentation Center of Cambodia | Project to encourage discussion amongst Cambodian villagers to see what role DK history education can play in the future of their communities. The project aims to conduct forums to discuss the experiences of survivors during the Khmer Rouge regime and the importance of such education, to encourage the villagers to take part in teaching the younger generations about the Khmer Rouge, and to engage community members who may not otherwise have had access to the textbook of the Democratic Kampuchea history or know about the Democratic Kampuchea history. | Not yet funded |
12. Publication and Distribution to Civil Parties of the Case 002/02 Trial Judgment in Full and Summary Text Form | Victims Support Section | Project to provide Civil Parties with the full text of the Trial Chamber Judgment in Case 002/02, as well as the official summary version of the document. The project aims to ensure that the Civil Parties’ rights to be informed and to understand the proceedings are effectively realized, to increase the availability of information detailing the outcomes of the case to Civil Parties, and to foster dialogues and engagement within families and communities on the alleged crimes of the Khmer Rouge and the justice process. | Not yet funded |
13. The Turtle Project: Innovative Cross Media Project, promoting historical awareness and civil courage ("The Courageous Turtle") | Cambodian German Cultural Association | Project to foster reconciliation and conflict prevention in Cambodian society by raising awareness of the past in order to prevent such abuses from happening in the future. The project aims to conduct theatric performances and film screenings for students about what happened during the Khmer Rouge regime and its impacts on the present, and to provide the opportunity for intergenerational dialogue with Civil Parties. | Fully funded by:
14. Community Media Project: The Cham People and the Khmer Rouge | Cambodian German Cultural Association | Project to explore the unique and unreported history and experiences of the Cham under the Khmer Rouge through films that incorporate eye-witness accounts and stories of Civil Parties. | Fully funded by:
15. Community Media Project: Indigenous Peoples and the Khmer Rouge | Cambodian German Cultural Association | Project to enable young indigenous filmmakers to produce short documentary films about the experiences of tribal minorities under Pol Pot’s revolution. | Not yet funded |
16. Voices from Ethnic Minorities: Promoting Public Awareness about the Treatment of Ethnic Minorities during the Khmer Rouge Regime | Kdei Karuna | Project to enhance public awareness of the causes and consequences of ethnic violence and discrimination against ethnic Vietnamese and Cham during the Khmer Rouge regime and its impacts on today's society. The project aims to document the life stories of ethnic minorities (Cham and Vietnamese), to promote discussions on ethnic violence during the Khmer Rouge regime, and to provide a platform for Cham and Vietnamese Civil Parties, including victims of ethnic violence and discrimination during the Khmer Rouge regime, to share their stories and receive public acknowledgment. | Fully funded by:
17. Chamnong Apea Pipea Project | Youth For Peace, Peace Institute of Cambodia | Project to support the victims of forced marriage during the Khmer Rouge regime through healing and remembrance. The project aims to use Khmer traditional approaches to healing and remembrance in order to benefit victims of forced marriage through intergenerational dialogues, documentation, and memorialization. | Not yet funded |
18. Access and Dissemination of Legal and Historical Archives of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia | Documentation Center of Cambodia | Project aims to establish educational resource centers containing ECCC archival materials for public access in different provinces, disseminate the archives to remote communities in Cambodia, publish a book of memory, and establish an online family-tracing tool. | Partially funded by:
Table 2: Projects Seeking Support from the Royal Government of Cambodia
Project Title | Implementing Partner | Remarks |
19. Public Memorial Center Museum | Royal Government of Cambodia(RGC) | These projects have been endorsed by the Royal Government of Cambodia. The Office of Administration and the Victims Support Section of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia are assigned to seek financial and technical support for the implementation of these projects. |
20. Public Ceremony | Royal Government of Cambodia(RGC) | |
21. Preservation of Crime Sites | Royal Government of Cambodia(RGC) | |
22. Naming of Existing Public Infrastructure | Royal Government of Cambodia(RGC) | |
23. Legal Document Center Related to the ECCC | Royal Government of Cambodia(RGC) | The proposed reparation project will provide access to the judicial records of the Khmer Rouge trials and Civil Party documentation at the Legal Documentation Center. The project was endorsed by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), and funded both by RGC and the Government of Japan. It is currently run under the management of the Council of Ministers. |