When I applied for the internship with the Heinrich Boell Foundation, my main expectation was to learn more about the country, its political system and foreign aid to Cambodia. During my three months here in Phnom Penh, I could actually achieve more than that. I learned so much about Cambodia through my personal experiences as well as the research I conducted for the Heinrich Boell Foundation. The internship allowed me to take part in several meetings and workshops, to meet a variety of people from civil society groups. It also provided the opportunity to give me deeper insights in the current political and societal situation. As I studied political science with a major focus on comparative politics and international politics, my experiences in Cambodia enabled me to analyze the role of the country in South-East Asia much better, and to understand its relations with other major powers in the region like China and Japan or the ASEAN community. During the internship I mainly concentrated on foreign aid to Cambodia. I researched about the historical evolvement of the aid regime and what role it plays in contemporary Cambodia. My research resulted in two papers on transparency and aid dependency. Next to these bigger papers I wrote papers about climate change in Cambodia, individual debt problems, eco-tourism and more. What really, really helped in this time was the friendly, supporting staff of the Heinrich Boell Foundation. To any problem that might occur, they know an answer, they are reliable and trustworthy. To sum it up, the Heinrich Boell Foundation in Cambodia offers a great opportunity for research in any area of interest, provides general and more detailed information on several issues and has great employees who always help you very much. I personally benefitted a lot from this internship.
Email: kh-trainee1@kh.boell.org