Energy Transition situation in Cambodia Energy status In a nutshell In 2004, Cambodia's electricity grid was dominated by fossil fuels -primarily heavy-fuel oil and diesel; by 2013, it was completely transformed with 82% renewable sources: mostly hydropower. This essential progression may indeed reverse: Cambodia plans to import coal power from Laos to meet its demand in 2030, thereby increasing - to 74% or 3/4s - the electricity in its national grid from non-renewable sources. While Cambodia is moving in this direction, the government has also committed to net-zero by 2050, making this plan difficult to achieve as energy emissions keep increasing. By Sokphalkun Out
The Role of ASEAN in Combating Climate Change in Cambodia Once again, the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Cambodia organized a 3 day seminar on “History, Conflict, Peace and Climate Change: Past and Present Challenges for Cambodia and ASEAN” last July 9-11, 2017 which took place at the Meta House, Phnom Penh. This seminar was also held last 2016 where Dr. Bernd Schaefer, a global fellow and former senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center Cold War International History Project lead the lecture and discussion.
Introduction to Inside the Green Economy Green Economy is a source of both hope and controversy. For some, it points the way out of permanent environmental and economic crises and promises to reconcile – a long cherished Utopia – ecology and economics. It fosters the hope that we can hang on to our current high standard of material prosperity. By Thomas Fatheuer, Lili Fuhr and Barbara Unmüßig