This report evaluates the CDP GBV during the Khmer Rouge regime project funded by ZIVIK IFA from May 2010 through December 2012. During that period, the project intended to contribute to:
the empowerment of GBV victims and their families in claiming justice for the suffering experienced during the Khmer Rouge regime (KRR);
Cambodian society’s social support to and memorialization efforts for victims of GBV during the Khmer Rouge (KR); and
the recognition that GBV during the Khmer Rouge is a crime against humanity, and its inclusion (investigation and prosecution, if warranted) in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia’s (ECCC) proceedings.
As stipulated in the Terms of References, the report discusses whether the key activities funded by ZIVIK IFA contributed to the three areas of the project. It assesses whether the project activities were conducted in an efficient and effective manner. It identifies external factors that influenced the successes and challenges of the project, and describes lessons learned. Finally, it looks at the sustainability of the project, its contribution to the Cambodian transitional justice process and makes recommendations for the implementation of future activities.
The evaluation report comprises six parts. Part I describes the methodology of the evaluation and its limitations. Part II presents the context surrounding the project. Part III addresses the project’s strategy, the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation, and its accomplishments. Part IV describes the external factors and the lessons learned. Part V discusses sustainability and contribution to the transitional justice process, and Part VI suggests recommendations.
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