International Women’s Day: The diverse meanings of “work from home” for women in Asia Published: 10 March 2022 Increase in domestic violence, lay-offs, care responsibilities, restrictions on domestic and international movement, economic insecurities, psychological burdens - these are just a few of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic in Asia in the last two years. The gendered nature of COVID-19 impacts is obvious and has sparked large feminist responses in the region.
Colorism and the Cambodian Ideal of White Beauty Published: 22 October 2019 The fear of getting darker skin and the desire for having lighter skin is common among the Cambodian society. Having lighter skin is part of Cambodia’s ideal of beauty and has shaped the Cambodian culture throughout. By Emilly Lam
"A MILLION YEAR" by young Cambodian film maker Danech San won ARTE short film award Published: 12 June 2019 Heinrich Boell Stiftung happily supported the trip of the young Cambodian film maker Danech San to join the Hamburg Film Festival in Germany. She was awarded the prestigious ARTE short film award. Congrats! It’s well deserved.
Beyond the Screen: Online Harassment of Cambodia’s Digital Youth Advocate Published: 16 October 2018 I have been online harassed countless of times. It's not only because I'm outspoken, but also because I'm a woman. I believe that many women have similar experience online simply because they are women. I have received harassment messages as well as unsolicited genital pictures and pornography.
Signing the agreement to support the new feminist organisation Klahaan (Brave). Wishing them the best of success for their future projects. Published: 13 August 2018
Female Dance Theatre Published: 9 August 2018 On 22nd and 24th July 2018 hbs Cambodia invited the all-female dance company New Cambodian Artists for performances at the National Museum. The amazing dance pieces dealt with topics such as domestic violence, growing up, sadness and happiness, and the American bombing of Cambodian territory during the Indochina war. Follow the great dance company on Facebook:
Signing the cooperation agreement with Women's Ressource Centre in Siem Reap Published: 2 April 2018 Happy to learn from Khim Pisey about the new ideas on the Positive Parenting Program including ideas such as questioning gender roles, shedding light on alcohol abuse, providing financial training, talking about the difference between needs and wants. Glad to have such a strong and progressive partner organisation at our side.
Dreaming Together Published: 19 March 2018 Public talk on gender politics in Asia Image credits In light of the International Women’s Day, the Heinrich Boell Foundation Cambodia organized a talk titled “Doing Gender – Aspects of Gender and LGBTIQ Politics in Asia”.
REMARKS ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY DURING THE HIGH-LEVEL SEGMENT OF THE 37TH SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Published: 6 March 2018 The High-Level Segment saw representatives from regions across the world make remarks on the protection of LGBTI persons – from Argentina, to Malta, to Pakistan. This shows that SOGIESC issues are of true global importance. We invite you to take a look at these remarks by clicking on the following link: high-level_segment_report.pdf
WHERE DO I BELONG? Published: 5 March 2018 An educational short film documentary on discrimination and dignity of transgender in Cambodia. Please click here to view the film on Vimeo