

Perspectives Asia #11: Transitions

Change is all around us; experiencing it can be exciting or worrisome, confusing or even disturbing. By contrast, the idea of “transition” stands to provide a sense of direction, in a sea of change and insecurity. Change may be happening to us; a transition has direction, it can be planned, perhaps even be initiated. It moves into a positive, sustainable direction – or so we hope.

Stories of Feminist Mobilisation:

Under the banner “For Feminist Mobilisation”, the Global Feminist Pitch 2022 wanted to give attention to feminist movements that do not get the deserved space in the public discourse. Twelve feminists from Brazil, Syria, Jamaica, Belarus, Venezuela, Kenya, Romania, the Philippines, Nigeria, Nepal, and Hungary had the opportunity write about the feminist mobilisation in their respective regions in a format of their choice. The result is “Stories of Feminist Mobilisation”.
Power Poverty Hunger

Power Poverty Hunger

It is possible to create sustainable, just and healthy food systems. For this to happen, it is key to strengthen political structures that truly focus on the right to food, on healthy nutrition, and on protecting biodiversity and the climate.
Perspectives Asia Fabric of Society

Perspectives Asia #10: Fabric of Society

In Autumn 2021, the COVID-19 global pandemic lingers on even though vaccinations are getting pace. The 10th issue of Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs)'s serial publication Perspectives Asia takes a look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in different Asian countries; it also shares down-to-earth COVID-19 experiences from different regions and cultures, on issues as diverse as trust in government institutions, the situation of migrant workers, and gender relationships.

Perspectives Asia #10: Fabric of Society

In Autumn 2021, the COVID-19 global pandemic lingers on even though vaccinations are getting pace. The 10th issue of Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs)'s serial publication Perspectives Asia takes a look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in different Asian countries.